Exceptional quality railings for the most affordable prices.


All Things Railing


When it comes to your safety, precaution mitigates hazards. That’s the foremost point of railing. We want your home to be completely safe and easy to navigate. On top of that, we strive to provide beauty in our railing builds. It’s the integration of crucial safety and premium beauty that makes railings and banisters from Dave’s Railings the best on the market.

Your Safety

As adults, stairs aren’t even considered an obstacle. In fact, we might not even notice them as we pass from space to space. For children, animals, handicapped individuals, and elderly folks, stairs aren’t so simple.

Children, especially young children, don’t understand how hazardous balconies and stairs can be. That’s why there are child-protection barriers on the market to keep tykes from going anywhere near stairs. Once your kiddo is old enough, they’ll rely on stair railings to keep them safe, but it’s still important to be cautious and to warn your child of the dangers of playing on the stairs. Balcony banisters are especially crucial to maintain safety in your home.

Animals behave just about the same as young children. You can keep your young animals penned up and off of the stairs. Again, balcony banisters will also keep your animals from making a harmful leap from floor to floor of your home.


When was the last time you really thought about stairs? They’re such an important part of society and the world at large—so important, in fact, that we hardly stop to notice or appreciate the stairs we step on every single day.

So why do we have stairs? Where did it all begin? It’s time to step into the world of stairs and their long, rich history. In this blog, the Spruce Grove stair railing experts will give you thorough history of stairs and how they transformed the world of foot travel and architecture in the process.


A staircase is an amazing human invention, allowing us to ascend and descend whenever and wherever we want. But not every home has the room or the need for a traditional, full-size staircase. With millennials struggling to afford traditional homes, tiny homes and smaller loft spaces are becoming trendier and trendier by the day—which increases the demand for smaller and more unique staircases.

In this blog, the Spruce Grove railings professionals will teach you about less common, but equally practical staircase options for your home. You’ll be surprised how many ways you can incorporate stairs into your home!


The Spruce Grove stair railings team at Dave’s Railings understands one thing very well: our beautiful and durable stair railings wouldn’t mean a thing if we didn’t have some stairs to go with them. Stairs are an essential and extraordinary human invention, helping us ascend and descend through the world with ease. Basements and attics wouldn’t exist without them, and neither would that one Led Zeppelin song, eh?

In this blog, we won’t just talk about how great stairs are—we’re going to teach you how to make them. While we definitely don’t recommend that you DIY a set of stairs in your home, it’s interesting to see how such a simple part of a home can take so much work (and math) to create.


According to the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, a child under five years old is rushed to the hospital for a stair-related injury every six minutes. A similar study by the Center of Physical Ergonomics concluded that roughly 20 percent of of injuries in the household occur while travelling up or down the stairs.

These statistics are alarming to the say the least. Stair-related injuries can cause severe injuries and even death for average adults, and the risk factor multiplies for children and the elderly. So how do we keep ourselves and our loved ones safe on the stairs?

In this blog, the Spruce Grove stair railing experts at Dave’s Railings will give you a few tips and projects that will make your stairs safer for those who travel on them. These are all simple, DIY projects and ideas that can implemented to make your home safer and reduce the risk of stair-related injuries.


If you have stairs in your home, you need stair railings—it’s paramount for the style and safety of your home. This is our passion at Dave’s Railings. We’re dedicated to bringing quality stair rails, banisters, and guard rails to the good people of Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, and Athabasca, with designs and installations that fit their style and safety requirements, as well as their financial needs.

But why choose Dave’s Railings for quality stair rails? We’ll give you a few reasons to choose Edmonton’s stair railing experts here.


Whether you’re designing a new home or changing up the look of your old one, choosing the right wood for your home’s stairs, railings, moldings, and furniture can lead you to choice overload. Not to worry—Dave’s Railings is here to break down the pros and cons of some of the most common types of wood, so you can focus less on decisions and more on enjoying your home’s new look.


High, vaulted ceilings in your home can be a treat, but all that open space could be used to increase the functionality and value of your home. Building a loft is a great way to maximize that space, without completing removing the look and feel of high ceilings.


Here at Dave’s Railings, we provide top-notch glass and metal railing solutions. However, nothing beats the timeless warmth of our wooden rail and banister systems, which are sturdy, natural, and comfortable for any residential or commercial space. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for maple, poplar, oak, or other wood types and finishes—we have the wooden railing that will suit your style, your needs, and your budget.

How are these beautiful rails and banisters crafted? The answer lies in a tool that originates from ancient Egypt: The lathe.


At Dave’s Railings, we know the importance of top-quality hand rails and banisters, how they can add to the beauty and value of your home, and how they tie into the bigger picture of home improvement. We know that in any home, anywhere, home renovation is about maximizing the space in your home for maximum value. But if you’ve already finished your basement and turned half of your two-car garage into a man-cave, you might be running out of ideas to maximize the value of your home.


Here at Dave’s Railings, we believe in the beauty of a home. It’s our goal, as your railing builders and installers, to boost your home’s value with an installation or renovation of your existing rails. After all, your home is likely one of your greatest investments. That’s why we’ve been talking about home improvement recently, and that’s why we’re continuing that theme today. Let’s talk about more home improvement and renovation tips. In our last blog, we took a look at what renovating your bathroom can do for your home. Today, let’s talk about finishing the basement.


xWhen you renovate your home, you’re boosting your home value. Whether it’s replacing fixtures, finishing the attic, or tacking on a third bay in the garage, home improvement is an investment in your home. And home improvement, done right, will send the value of your home soaring. That’s the value of a home renovation project, and that’s a value we can stand behind here at Dave’s Railings. See, we’re all about value. That’s why we offer premium-level craft at competitive prices in all of our railing installations. And it’s why we’re proud to provide the best railing building services for folks throughout Edmonton, Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, and Athabasca. That’s also why we continually post information about value, home improvement, and craft. Today, and in our upcoming blogs, we’ll be continuing those motifs with home improvement tips that can further boost the value of your home. Let’s look at some of the best home improvements you can make to boost the value of your home, starting with…


Homeowners who have stairs or balconies know just how important it is to have strong, sturdy railings and banisters. This is especially true if children or elderly family members live in the home. No one wants to imagine what could happen if railings should fail to do their job properly. That is why Dave’s Railings is dedicated to doing the job right, not fast. Safety is crucial, especially when it comes to your loved ones. But railings don’t have to be a mere safety measure, they can also add aesthetic beauty and charm to your home.


You are sitting on your couch, enjoying a quiet moment watching the shimmering particles in the air floating through the sunlight streaming through your windows. It’s a peaceful moment, and you are glad to have witnessed this small part of the natural world illuminating your home. Your eye wanders through your living room, and you begin to notice things you never noticed before. The grate on your fireplace has a small layer of dust on its wrought-iron spindles. The brass banister on your balcony isn’t quite as shiny as it once was, and your wooden railings have scratches in their finish. Ignoring that little voice in the back of your head that reminds you that you forgot to dust yesterday, you come to the realization that you never noticed that there is no cohesive style throughout your home. That realization is followed closely by another: It’s time to upgrade!


Welcome to the Dave’s Railings blog feed! Dave’s Railings is proud to provide Alberta with premium quality rails. From our carpenter-crafted handrails to our sleek glass railing, our handrail structures are top of the line. We take pride in building the best railing structures in the area. We work in conjunction with other contractors for new architectural builds. Plus, we provide railing rebuilds and maintenance. We like to think that if there’s a railing project to be done, we can do it. That’s the passion we like to bring to the table, and it’s why we’ll be keeping you up to date on news information surrounding our rails and the world of construction and home improvement. So stay tuned to learn the latest from Dave’s Railings!
